Write your first Gearpump Application
We'll use the classical wordcount example to illustrate how to write Gearpump applications.
/** WordCount with High level DSL */
object WordCount extends AkkaApp with ArgumentsParser {
override val options: Array[(String, CLIOption[Any])] = Array.empty
override def main(akkaConf: Config, args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val context = ClientContext(akkaConf)
val app = StreamApp("dsl", context)
val data = "This is a good start, bingo!! bingo!!"
//count for each word and output to log
app.source(data.lines.toList, 1, "source").
// word => (word, count)
flatMap(line => line.split("[\\s]+")).map((_, 1)).
// (word, count1), (word, count2) => (word, count1 + count2)
The example is written in our Stream DSL, which provides you with convenient combinators (e.g. flatMap
, groupByKey
) to easily write up transformations.
IDE Setup (Optional)
You can get your preferred IDE ready for Gearpump by following this guide.
Submit application
Finally, you need to package everything into a uber jar with proper dependencies and submit it to a Gearpump cluster. Please check out the application submission tool.