We'll use Distributed Shell as an example to illustrate how to do that.

What Distributed Shell do is that user send a shell command to the cluster and the command will the executed on each node, then the result will be return to user.

Maven/Sbt Settings

Repository and library dependencies can be found at Maven Setting

Define Executor Class

class ShellExecutor(executorContext: ExecutorContext, userConf : UserConfig) extends Actor{
  import executorContext._

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case ShellCommand(command, args) =>
      val process = Try(s"$command $args" !!)
      val result = process match {
        case Success(msg) => msg
        case Failure(ex) => ex.getMessage
      sender ! ShellCommandResult(executorId, result)

So ShellExecutor just receive the ShellCommand and try to execute it and return the result to the sender, which is quite simple.

Define AppMaster Class

For a non-streaming application, you have to write your own AppMaster.

Here is a typical user defined AppMaster, please note that some trivial codes are omitted.

class DistShellAppMaster(appContext : AppMasterContext, app : Application) extends ApplicationMaster {
  protected var currentExecutorId = 0

  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    ActorUtil.launchExecutorOnEachWorker(masterProxy, getExecutorJvmConfig, self)

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case ExecutorSystemStarted(executorSystem) =>
      import executorSystem.{address, worker, resource => executorResource}
      val executorContext = ExecutorContext(currentExecutorId, worker.workerId, appId, self, executorResource)
      val executor = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[ShellExecutor], executorContext, app.userConfig)
          .withDeploy(Deploy(scope = RemoteScope(address))), currentExecutorId.toString)
      currentExecutorId += 1
    case StartExecutorSystemTimeout =>
      masterProxy ! ShutdownApplication(appId)
    case msg: ShellCommand =>
      Future.fold(context.children.map(_ ? msg))(new ShellCommandResultAggregator) { (aggregator, response) =>
      }.map(_.toString()) pipeTo sender

  private def getExecutorJvmConfig: ExecutorSystemJvmConfig = {
    val config: Config = Option(app.clusterConfig).map(_.getConfig).getOrElse(ConfigFactory.empty())
    val jvmSetting = Util.resolveJvmSetting(config.withFallback(context.system.settings.config)).executor
    ExecutorSystemJvmConfig(jvmSetting.classPath, jvmSetting.vmargs,
      appJar, username, config)

So when this DistShellAppMaster started, first it will request resources to launch one executor on each node, which is done in method preStart

Then the DistShellAppMaster's receive handler will handle the allocated resource to launch the ShellExecutor we want. If you want to write your application, you can just use this part of code. The only thing needed is replacing the Executor class.

There may be a situation that the resource allocation failed which will bring the message StartExecutorSystemTimeout, the normal pattern to handle that is just what we do: shut down the application.

The real application logic part is in ShellCommand message handler, which is specific to different applications. Here we distribute the shell command to each executor and aggregate the results to the client.

For method getExecutorJvmConfig, you can just use this part of code in your own application.

Define Application

Now its time to launch the application.

object DistributedShell extends App with ArgumentsParser {
  private val LOG: Logger = LogUtil.getLogger(getClass)

  override val options: Array[(String, CLIOption[Any])] = Array.empty

  LOG.info(s"Distributed shell submitting application...")
  val context = ClientContext()
  val appId = context.submit(Application[DistShellAppMaster]("DistributedShell", UserConfig.empty))
  LOG.info(s"Distributed Shell Application started with appId $appId !")

The application class extends App and `ArgumentsParser which make it easier to parse arguments and run main functions. This part is similar to the streaming applications.

The main class DistributeShell will submit an application to Master, whose AppMaster is DistShellAppMaster.

Define an optional Client class

Now, we can define a Client class to talk with AppMaster to pass our commands to it.

object DistributedShellClient extends App with ArgumentsParser  {
  implicit val timeout = Constants.FUTURE_TIMEOUT
  import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
  private val LOG: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)

  override val options: Array[(String, CLIOption[Any])] = Array(
    "master" -> CLIOption[String]("<host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3>", required = true),
    "appid" -> CLIOption[Int]("<the distributed shell appid>", required = true),
    "command" -> CLIOption[String]("<shell command>", required = true),
    "args" -> CLIOption[String]("<shell arguments>", required = true)

  val config = parse(args)
  val context = ClientContext(config.getString("master"))
  val appid = config.getInt("appid")
  val command = config.getString("command")
  val arguments = config.getString("args")
  val appMaster = context.resolveAppID(appid)
  (appMaster ? ShellCommand(command, arguments)).map { reslut =>
    LOG.info(s"Result: $reslut")

In the DistributedShellClient, it will resolve the appid to the real appmaster(the application id will be printed when launching DistributedShell).

Once we got the AppMaster, then we can send ShellCommand to it and wait for the result.

Submit application

After all these, you need to package everything into a uber jar and submit the jar to Gearpump Cluster. Please check Application submission tool to command line tool syntax.